Sunday, January 26, 2014

Thesis and Outline for TFA essay

Thesis: Through dispelling untrue myths, showing some of the single story flaws to be true, and demonstrating positive aspects of these communities, Achebe and Sandler attempt to complete the single stories of Africa and only children.

Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
"Only Children: Lonely and Selfish?" article from the New York Times by Lauren Sandler

I. Achebe and Sandler destroy the single stories by making arguments against untrue myths

A. "In hundreds of studies during the past decades exploring 16 character traits — including leadership, maturity, extroversion, social participation, popularity, generosity, cooperativeness, flexibility, emotional stability, contentment — only children scored just as well as children with siblings"

B. "It turns out brutal sibling rivalry isn’t necessary to beat the ego out of us; peers and classmates do the job."

C. "Their findings suggest that solitude is not synonymous with loneliness and often strengthens character."

D. "Among the Ibo the art of conversation is regarded very highly, and proverbs are the palm-oil with which words are eaten. Okoye was a great talker and he spoke for a long time, skirting around the subject and hitting it finally."(7)

II. Achebe and Sandler complete the single stories of their communities by revealing the flaws of the single story that are true

A."Still there is something existentially troubling about the idea of facing one’s parents’ mortality alone"

B. "And when she returned he beat her very heavily" (29) 

III. Achebe and Sandler complete the single stories by showing the positive aspects of their communities that people do not usually associate with Africa and only children

A. "Never kill a man who says nothing. Those men of Abame were fools. What did they know about the man?" (140)

B. "found that only children had demonstrably higher intelligence and achievement; only children have also been found to have more self-esteem."

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